USHCC Announces Capital Initiative to Invest in Small
The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) proudly announces the appointment of three industry-leading entrepreneurs.
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USHCC NATIONAL CONVENTION – The Hispanic Agenda for business expansion, the blue print for capital: Policies, Allocators and Partnerships to harness
The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is leading the way to develop the partnerships and policies for the creation of the Capital Architecture our businesses need.
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Altura President & CEO Monika Mantilla to receive the prestigious Hispanic Heritage Award for Business, the highest honor for latinos by latinos
Altura Capital President and CEO Monika Mantilla to be honored with the prestigious Hispanic Heritage Award for Business.
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Altura President and CEO Monika Mantilla receives New York City Entrepreneur of The Year Award
Monika Mantilla, President and CEO of Altura Capital, was honored with the New York City Entrepreneur of the Year Award by Robert Bard, President and CEO of Latina Style Magazine.
The business of money management by Monika Mantilla President & CEO, Altura Capital
This special section is exclusively dedicated to one of the most significant and influential businesses globally: the business of managing, as fiduciaries, the financial assets of institutional investors.
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Altura Capital launches the first Global Information, Research, Data and Networking Platform – Tool tracks data and research of Emerging and Diverse managers for mid and large, private and public, institutional investors.
Platform resolves serious needs for data, research, knowledge and collaborative tools in the developing managers space.
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